
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Comments From the Author

         Something that came to me a lot this week was cats have a huge impact in many things that people do. Considering that there are songs, pets, and entertainment that lean on cats. It's CRAZY!
         Songs like Katy Perry's new one "Roar" and "Eye of the Tiger" (by a lot of different people) are both very popular songs that are about cats!
         What's even crazier is 95.6 million people own cats in the world, that's a LOT of people! And just to let you know these are people who at LEAST have one cat as a pet.
         Your probably wondering "How are cats part of people's entertainment?" well answering this could be different for everyone, but what I noticed for a majority of people it would be playing with your cute little kitten at home, going to the zoo to see the amazing big cats, circuses can have big cats performing, and sometimes for kids they play with toys that ARE cats!
        So WHY? Why would people kill cats? Why do some people just NOT care? Why do people not notice the importance of cats to people?
         You know what another thing that makes cats important? Learning cards. Have you ever seen letter learning cards that have a "C for Cat" on it? OK, all of this deserves a triple, all caps, bold, with three exclamation marks, crazy!
        So, NOW do you think that cats ARE important? I sure do hope so! :)
        Also check out these videos! (Don't worry, they're cuss free) 

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