
Thursday, September 19, 2013



         I created this blog especially to help readers understand endangered animals better. There are pictures and information about different endangered animals varying from bats to elephants. Every week there will be an endangered animal of the week which will give extra information on that animal we also have a weekly video, a weekly did you know fact, and the Home post will be posted again fully updated. We will also post "Comments From the Author" to see the authors Ideas and point of views. Sometimes when more information on website related things happen we have a "Home News" added as a post. There is different pages named according to the type of animals it is about, "I'm Big Not Bad"  "Just Because I Have the Looks, Doesn't Mean I Don't Have a Heart"   "I've Got Hooves and a Heart"   "I'm a Mammal Just Like You" and one that talks about pets that need homes, "I Need a Home"   If you comment on posts please do not swear or use any kind of inappropriate language.
NOTE: This blog in Not all about endangered animals.

I hope this site helps the understanding of the problems of animals for all my readers. 

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