Just because I have the looks doesn't mean I don't have a heart.
The Bengal Tiger

Habitat : Endangerment Level
Nepal Endangered
Threats: An adult male Bengal
Poaching tiger is about 110-120 in.
Human-tiger conflict
Loss of habitat
Especially their irresistible fur
Water Buffalo
Wild Boar
Hog Deer
Life-Cycle and Reproduction:
There is no specific mating time for the tigers. Some cubs are born during March, May, October, and November, most cubs are born during December and April.
Male tigers are mature from 4-5 years and females usually take 3-4 years. A female tiger is in heat for intervals around 3-9 weeks and is able to get pregnant for 3-6 days. After a female tiger has been pregnant for about 104-106 days she gives birth to 1-4 cubs. A female usually gives birth in a sheltered area made from tall grass, thick bush, or in caves. Newborn cubs have their ears and eyes closed. They can weigh 1.7-3.5 lbs and they have thick fur that they shed after 3-5 months. They drink milk for 3-6 months and then start to eat solids. At 2-3 years of age they slowly start to separate from their family and go off in search of their own territory. After all her cubs are gone the female tiger goes in heat again then the cycle starts all over again.
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